MAC Royal Asset Palette  

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Royal Assets Palette $25.25

Smokey Eyes
*Maid of Honor (Top Left)
*Rondelle (Top Right)
*Palatial (Middle Left)
*Courtly Grey (Middle Right)
*Majestic (Bottom Left)
*Knight (Bottom Right)

Cool Eyes
*Medallion (Top Left)
*Silverwear (Top Right
*Trophy Pink (Middle Left)
*Modern Heir (Middle Right)
*Shadowy Lady (Bottom Left)
*Queen's Jewel (Bottom Right)

This was the eyeshadow palettes they release for MAC Holiday Collection 2007. The packaging is made out of metal so its kinda heavy but I just love the way it looks. I can't really say anything about the eyeshadows right now because I haven't use any of them. Hehe. I will try to update this post as soon as possible to show the swatches of the eyeshadows.

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